Welcome to Osian's Web Site.
This site is mainly concerned with my interests and hobbies, although you will also find some interesting diversions.
You can change the layout and look-and-feel of the site via the Style Switcher (if your browser has Javascript and cookies enabled) or via the Style options provided by your browser (Firefox, Opera, Netscape 7 etc. only) If you use your browser-provided switcher, then the style you choose will not persist as you move from page to page.
How to navigate through the site
Desktop style
The menu at the top of the screen provide access to the major sections of the site, and pages within each section are accessed with the tabs at the top of each page. Shortcut icons are provided on the left for quick access to common pages.
Grey 3D style
Main site contents are available with the buttons down the left hand side of the page and pages within each section are available with the buttons at the top of each page. Shortcut links to common pages are found at the top right of the window.
Two Columns style
The left-hand menu provides links to the main areas of the site and sub-sections are listed at the head of each page. Shortcut icons to common pages are displayed at the top of the window.
No style
The content of the page is displayed first, with a link to jump directly to the navigation links which appear at the bottom of the page.
Please note that the Grey 3D and Two Columns styles are experimental at the moment and will probably only work with Netscape 7!
In addition, if your browser supports it, navigational aids (referred to as meta links) are provided to enable easy access to the next and previous pages, and pages such as the site contents and copyright information.